Monday, January 28, 2013

Stuck in Bed-Deep Listening Exercise

Ever since last night, I haven’t been feeling well at all.  I’ve had a sore throat and an achy body.  Today at school, all I wanted to do was climb back into bed, so that’s the first thing I did when I got home from class.  I decided to do my deep listening project from my mom’s bed, since that’s where I’d be spending my day.  I thought it’d be interesting to gain a deeper familiarity with my everyday surroundings.  I set my phone alarm, opened up a blank document on my laptop and just listened.  A few sounds were extremely frequent.  The strong winds made our siding creak.  Since there is a window just to my left, the creaking was moderately loud.  Soon after beginning, the kitchen clock struck once, signaling that is was now 2:30pm.  The television was shut off, but I heard random creaks from it.  My laptop began humming.  I had always heard its faint humming before, but listening to it in silence reminded me of the winds that you would hear in a movie when there was a tornado coming (very Wizard of Oz).  There was also the rumbling sound and slight vibration from cars and trucks going down Lincoln Highway, just off of my road.  I could hear my own breathing and the breathing (and snoring) of my dog, Gabby, who was lying at my feet.  My pillow rustled as I moved my neck to try and relieve some of my aches and pains.  I also heard the scraping of me scratching my forehead, a smoothing sound from me rubbing my brow, and the hard swallowing due to my sore throat.  My laptop stopped humming, and in its place, was the sound of my stomach gurgling from a mixture of yogurt and a free Starbucks drink.  I got a gift card in the mail.  Hallelujah!  Throughout the entire ten minutes I also, of course, heard myself typing.  Finally, my phone alarm went off, alerting me that my ten minutes of deep listening had finished.  There were a couple conclusions I came to at the end of this exercise.  First off, I make a lot of sounds with my body.  Secondly, this may sound silly, but there’s no need for anyone to fear creaks in the night, because they happen just as frequently during the day.  Lastly, before starting this exercise, I figured it would consist of ten minutes of me shutting myself off from technology and just listening to my environment.  Well, as it turns out, much of my environment consists of technology.  I even used technology to keep track of time and record the sounds I encountered.  Usually when I sit in the quiet, it is to read, think or pray, so it was new for me to sit and try to actively listen for what was going on outside of my head, and I really enjoyed it.  
Afterwards, I told my dog to look up and got this awesome picture of her.

1 comment:

  1. That IS an awesome picture! I really enjoyed reading your write-up and some of the discoveries you made. I especially am interested in the idea of technology flooding your environment.
